Aspire Week in Review - Week Ended August 15, 2008
Aug 18, 2008
Author: Administrator
Common Sense
In an effort to curb gasoline consumption, China's government doubled the sale taxes on the biggest cars from 20% to 40% while cutting taxes on smaller cars. Doubtful that our government will be able to be as efficient, as partisan politics continue to play a dividing role in bringing any coherent and cohesive energy policy to the table for a consensus. Congress will be back from its reprieve in September and the GOP seems to have done a better job strong-arming the Dems into giving on some level of a domestic drilling program, and getting the public to buy into the rationale, as cloudy as it really is.
John Deere Agri Services and Clean Fuels Clearinghouse have announced Renewable Identification Numbers (RINSs) which will aid in meeting the requirements of the Renewable Fuel Standard by enabling more efficient identification, measuring and tracking of batches of renewable fuel that must be reported to the EPA and listed on product transfer documents for inter-party transfers.
Click here to read the full article.